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Successful Practice of Saving Mobilization

Target Participants:
Marketing manager, Branch manager, Chief of marketing officer, Customer relationship unit manager, Marketing officer, or someone who works related to savings mobilization

2 days

Presentation, Discussion, Demonstration, Role-plays, Individual Work, Question and Answer, and other participatory actions to ensure that the transfer of experiences and learning activities are going smoothly in the professional manner

ASVP & Head of Marketing Division, Senior Faculty (Marketing Specialist) and SVP & Head of Product Development Division


During this course participants will be able to:

  • Acquire new Practical knowledge of the Keys Success of ACLEDA Bank's Savings Mobilization
  • Understand how to do Marketing Research
  • Be aware of ACLEDA Bank's Functional Structure
  • Build Employee's Commitment and Competence
  • Be aware of developing the Deposit Services Policy and Guidelines
  • Be familiar of the process of Account opening
  • Be familiar of the process of Account opening
  • Know how to promote the savings services effectively
  • Provide customers with the excellent service quality
  • Maintain customer to stay with your organization
  • Be aware of MIS of ACLEDA Bank

Course Contents

  • Framework of successful savings mobilization
    • Keys success of ACLEDA Bank's savings mobilization
  • Introduction to ACLEDA Bank's savings program
    • History of ACLEDA savings program management
    • Marketing research on ACLEDA savings program
    • Transformation of organizational structure
    • ACLEDA savings products
  • Building employee's commitment and competence
    • How to build employee's commitment
    • How to build employee's competence
  • ACLEDA Bank's deposit policy and procedure
    • Deposit service policy and guidelines
    • Process of account opening
  • ACLEDA Bank's saving mobilization strategies
    • Strategic keys on saving mobilization
    • Sharing the real experience of ACLEDA Bank's saving mobilization
    • Study visit at ACLEDA Bank's branch office
  • ACLEDA Bank's customer service and care
    • How to provide customers with the excellent service quality
    • How to maintain customer to stay with your organization
  • ACLEDA Bank's MIS
    • Savings management module

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