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Transformation, Ownership, and Governance

Target Participants:
MFI Board and Senior Management that are considering transformation or those that have recently transformed; Investors and Funders who become shareholders in MFI and play an active role in governance and Funders who are interested in ensuring prior donations continue to support their original purpose

4 days

Lecture/Demonstration, Case Study, Video Clip, Handout, Group Discussion, Role Play and offering experiences

Board of ACLEDA Bank, Head of Training Division, Head of Legal & Corporate Affairs Division and Company Secretary, Head of Microfinance Supervision Department (National Bank of Cambodia), Head of Capital Market Division


At the end of course, participants will:

  • Understand the reasons MFIs seek to transform, the challenges and the benefits
  • Understand the pre-conditions and requirements for successful transformation
  • Understand the transformation process of the ACLEDA Bank
  • Understand the rationale behind critical choices made
  • Understand the governance and ownership structure of ACLEDA Bank
  • Discuss critical issues with persons who were involved in the transformation process

Course Contents

  • Transformation: Why Transform the Challenges, Benefits and Pre-conditions?
  • Transformation: Structuring the Vision, Mission and Mission Drift
  • Transformation: Governance General Concepts and Issues
  • Transformation: Developing the Business Plan
  • Wrap-up and prepare for tomorrow
  • Regulation, Laws and Supervision
  • Ownership and Governance: NGO and Employees as Owners
  • Shareholders and Roles in Governance
  • ASA Ownership and ASA Functions
  • NGO Role, How it Functions and Mechanisms
  • Transformation: NGO and Employees as Shareholders and Roles in Governance
  • Good Governance
  • Good Governance: The Board Committee
  • Good Governance: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Good Governance-Credit and Risk Committee: What are the Risks?
  • Transformation is a Continuous Process: Transformation and Ownership
  • Prior Day Summary and Introduction to the Day
  • ACLEDA performance: Benefits of Transformation, Responsible Ownership and Good Governance: Time line 2000-2010

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