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Employees Stock Ownership Plan

Target Participants:
Board of Director, CEO, Finance Manager, Human Resource Manager, Treasury Manager, Company Secretary, or someone who works related to ESOP tasks

1 day

Presentation, Discussion, Demonstration, Individual Work, Question and Answer, and other participatory actions to ensure that the transfer of experiences and learning activities are going smoothly in the professional manner

President and Managing Director of ACLEDA Securities Plc and Head of Operation of ACLEDA Securities Plc.


At the end of course, the participants will:

  • Obtain a general overview of ACLEDA Staff Ownership Program
  • Understand the legal aspects of ACLEDA Staff Association (ASA)
  • Understand the function of ASA and how it is managed
  • Understand the role ASA plays for ACLEDA Bank
  • Understand how ASA organizes internal trading

Course Contents

    • General Overview of ACLEDA Bank Plc
    • Legal Process of ACLEDA Staff Association
    • Ownership and Governance
      • Ownership
      • Change in Investment and Ownership
      • Governance
    • Corporate Governance
      • Corporate Governance Agreement
      • Service Agreement
      • Purchase and Sell Share Agreement
    • Progress of Internal Stock Market
      • Trend to set up internal stock market
      • Internal Stock Market policy and progress
      • Trading Volume and Transaction in ASA Market
    • Recent Change of ASA
  • ESOP Rule and Regulation
  • ESOP and Trading Procedure
  • Question and Answer Session

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