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Financial and Accounting Management

Target Participants:
Management Accountant, Chief Accountant

3 days

Explanation, Demonstration, Practice, Question and Answer

Management team of Finance Division in ACLEDA Bank Plc.


During this course participants will:

  • Be able to read and analyze a balance sheet, an income and a cash flow statement
  • Be able to calculate the liquidity and solvency ratio, net worth, and FOREX position
  • Know how to analyze the fixed asset ratio
  • Understand how to assist of chief of branches accountant in daily report preparation
  • Be able to write a solvency report, calculated with NBC and BIS formula
  • Be able to write a three day stress testing report
  • Understand the reporting requirements for the Board of Directors

Course Contents

  • Accounting operating manual
  • General introduction
  • Basic report preparation
  • Report to NBC
  • ALCO report
  • Board report
  • Report to creditors
  • Financial statement analysis
  • Solvency daily report
  • Daily liquidity ratio report
  • Daily liquidity analysis report
  • 3 days stress testing daily report
  • BP ALCO report
  • 5 years business plan and fixed assets plan

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