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Assets & Liabilities Management

Target Participants:
Manager of Treasury Division, Manager of Finance, Chief of Teller, Chief of Accountant

2 days

Lecture/demonstration, case study, exercise, handout, discussion, and offering experiences

VP & Head of Foreign Exchange and Economic Analysis Department of ACLEDA Bank Plc.


During this course participants will:

  • Understands assets and liability Management policy and procedures
  • Knows thresholds on key ratios within regulatory and bank policy requirements
  • Knows how to ensure that appropriate levels of liquidity are maintained
  • Knows how to avoid undue risk exposure due to balance sheet mismatches
  • Knows how conduct stress tests and develop appropriate strategies
  • Be able to make growth projections and advise on optimal balance sheet structuring
  • Knows how to prepare a funding strategy with optimal funding mix

Course Contents

  • Bank Financial Structure
  • Bank Operation's Environment
  • Assets & Liabilities Manager Team
    • Cash flow & cash position forecasting
    • Cash & other bank Management
    • Liabilities management
    • Funding & dept portfolios management
    • Treasury type risk management
    • Bank, Financial counterparties relation management
  • Assets & Liabilities Committee (ALCO)
    • Scope and purpose
    • Member
    • Responsibilities
  • Role & Responsibilities of ALCO Vs Treasury Team

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