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Practical Skills in Cash Handling

Training Program

  • Date: September 27 - 28, 2016
  • Time: 8:30 - 16:30
  • Lunch: 12:00 - 13:30
  • Training Language: Khmer
  • Training Materials: English/Khmer

Deadline of registration: September 19, 2016


If you are interested, please fill our enrolment form and send to tauch.an@acledabank.com.kh or info@acleda-aib.edu.kh

Contact Persons

Tel: +85­5 (0)15 600 185
E-mail: tauch.an@acledabank.com.kh

Mr. LONG Ratha
Tel: +85­5 (0)10 300 879
E-mail: info@acleda-aib.edu.kh

Training Venue

ACLEDA INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS, building #50, Street 516 Corner 335, 06 Village, Sangkat Boeng Kak 1, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh. See map.

Cash handling is the process of dispensing, counting and tracking cash in a bank, retail, check cashing, payday loan, advance, or other business environment through the day-to-day responsibilities of a teller in teller operations, specially for the purposes of loss prevention, theft deterrence, detecting counterfeit notes, and reducing management time for oversight. Departments are responsible for complying with cash handling policies and procedures to ensure proper internal controls, segregation of duties, efficiency of Cash Acceptance, accuracy of Cash Payout and adequate safeguards of assets. So Practical Skill in Cash handling is a very important training course for tellers or someone who work related to teller operations.

Who should attend?

Operations Manager, Branch Manager, Chief of Teller, Teller or someone who work related to teller operations.

What you will benefit?

After completion of this course, the participants will:

  • Familiar with the day-to-day responsibilities of a teller in teller operations
  • Recognize genuine Khmer riels and US dollar notes
  • Apply effective techniques of cash acceptance
  • Gain practical experiences of cash payout accurately
  • Explore the practical tips and tools for cash handling

Course Contents

  1. Overview of Cash Handling
    • Introduction to Teller Operations
    • Role as a teller in the bank
  2. Detecting Counterfeit Notes
    • Khmer riels bank note securities feature
    • US dollar bank note securities feature
    • US dollar bank note counterfeit feature
  3. Efficiency of Cash Acceptance
    • Before transaction processing
    • During transaction processing
    • After transaction processing
  4. Accuracy of Cash Payout
    • Checking supporting document
    • Preparing denominations
    • Request for changing denominations
  5. Case Studies
    • Practical Tips and Tools for Cash Handling

Training Fee

  • USD 170 per participant per two-day training course.
  • USD 160 per participant for organization sending 3-5 participants to the course.
  • USD 150 per participant for organization sending 6 participants up to the course.

This fee includes training materials, refreshments, lunch and certificate.

Payment Condition: There is no charge for any cancellation which is made by the deadline of the registration. Cancellation after deadline of the registration and participants appearing without proper cancellation will be charged the full amount.


The training methodology will be focused on experience based and participatory approaches including brainstorming, group discussion with presentation, group work, sharing hand-on experience, training game, and participants' problem raised during training workshop.



Born in 1980, he obtained a Master's degree of Business Administration (MBA) majoring in Management from National University of Management, Cambodia, in 2011. He graduated with a bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) majoring in Accounting, in 2003. He attended many training courses both on Chief of Branch Cashier and Chief of Branch Accountant and Human Resource Management Training organized by ACLEDA Bank Plc. In November 2003 he started working for ACLEDA Bank as a Credit Officer in Kampong Speu Branch and was changed to be Cashier in August 2004. He was moved to work in Operations Division as a Staff of Teller Unit in November 2006 and was promoted to Assistant Vice President and Assistant Manager of Teller Unit in Operations Division in October 2008. He had offered many training courses to Assistant Vice President and Manager of Branch Cashier, Assistant Vice President and Manager of Branch Accountant and staff new recruits in the area of teller skills such as workflow of teller operations, counterfeit notes detection, practical skills of teller, risk of teller operations, cash protection and effective management of teller operations since he was a member of the ACLEDA Bank's trainer team in January 2009. He has been promoted to Senior Faculty, Specialized in Teller Operations at ACLEDA INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS.

Mr. CHAN Hokleng, Assistant Head of Department of Business Administration at ACLEDA INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS

Born in 1982. He obtained a Degree of Master in Business Administration from Norton University, Cambodia, in 2009. He graduated with a Degree of Bachelor in Business Administration majoring in Accounting and Finance at National University of Business in 2004. From 2004 he had attended numerous courses on Finance and Banking (Teller and Accounting Skills in particular), Training of Trainer and Management and Leadership skills which were organized by ACLEDA Training Center, Cambodia. He started working with ACLEDA Bank Plc as an accountant in 2004 immediately after his bachelor's degree graduation. He was promoted to Assistant Vice President and Manager of District Cashier in 2010 and to Assistant Vice President and Manager of Branch Cashier in 2012. He has been assigned a member of the bank's trainer team and delivered many training courses on workflow of teller, technical skill of teller, risk of teller operation, customer service, cash protection, counterfeit notes detection and assets and liabilities management skill since 2010. He currently holds a position as Assistant Head of Department of Business Administration at ACLEDA INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS, specialized in Teller Operations.

Guest Speaker

Senior Management Team of Operations Division in ACLEDA Bank Plc.

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