


About Library

ACLEDA University of Business has built a 28m x 28m library, 784 square meters, 14, 10-meter height. This library consists of 3 floors, in accordance with high quality standards, neat, clean, and quiet environment, fresh air, enough light, comfortable seats, wide passage which is favorable for the study and research. Currently, the library contains more than 5,000 books and more than 2,000 titles, 38% of books in Khmer and 62% in foreign languages which provide students, lecturing staffs and the public a benefit for studying and doing research.

Service Hours

The library opens daily with the following hours:

  • For Monday to Friday (Morning from 07:30 to 20:30)
  • For Saturday to Sunday (Morning from 07:30 to 16:30). Except for national and international holidays.


The library staff must provide information and guidance to the readers so that they completely understand the library's internal rules and library usage. The readers can contact the library staff at the information center related to studying, doing research, searching books, using the library resources, etc.

Library Users

  • ACLEDA employees at all levels, lecturing staffs, students, and trainees.
  • ACLEDA employees, lecturing staffs, students and trainees are allowed to enter and read the books in the library only if his/her ID is showed to the library staff.

Borrowing Period

The University allows the students or AUB staffs to borrow the books as below:

Borrower Amount Period
Trainees, Students 2 titles 14 days
ACLEDA employees 4 titles 30 days
Full time and Part-time lecturing staffs
Technical Team leaders (TTLs) 4 titles 90 days

Books/Documents Return

  • The borrowers must return the books/documents to the library staff in person or through another person by the due date.
  • In case the returned book day is a holiday set by AUB, the borrower must take the book/document 1 day before or after the holiday.


  • The borrower can continue to borrow the books/documents only if they return the borrowed books by the due date before they borrow them again. To do so, it is to clarify that the books/documents are visually returned. In case that someone else needs to borrow those books/documents first, the library staff will give priority to the new borrower.
  • The borrowers, who previously borrow the books and intend to borrow the other books / documents, they must return the old ones first.

Late payment penalty

In case of overdue returning books/documents, the borrowers will be fined 1,000 riels per day for one book/document, excluding public holidays.

Loss and damage payment

The borrower is responsible for any damage or loss of the books/documents that she/he has borrowed from the library and must pays cash up on damaged aspect.

The use of computers in library

ACLEDA employees / lecturing staffs / trainees / students can request to use a computer in library for 3 hours for one request. The computer is only used for studying, doing research or typing. In case that the user uses it inappropriately, the library staff has the rights to stop it immediately.

Library Internal Regulations

  • Someone who enters the library must fill in the name, address, and entry-exit time and sign or check in and check out in the machine.
  • Be quiet in the library.
  • The reader must show his / her ID card when entering the library.
  • All readers must leave their bags and other items in the locker near the library entrance, only their notebooks or the returned books/documents are allowed to bring in. It is strictly forbidden to store valuable items in library space because the librarians will not be responsible for the loss of those items in any aspect.
  • Tools/Materials that could harm the library resources are not allowed to be in. These tools include: food, cigarettes, beverages, desserts, chewing gum, glue, black-color ink, water bottles, all kinds of sharpening tools and weapons, etc.
  • The books / documents that are already read must be put in their original places. (or they can be left on the table for an urgent case.)
  • The readers are not allowed both to draw, tear, fold or mark on books / documents and to damage library property in any way. If someone is found committing the above act, he/she will be fined. The books/documents must be well maintained in the original quality and format.
  • The readers need to be polite to each other at all times.
  • Avoid talking and / or laughing out loud, shouting and engaging in activities that disturb other readers.
  • Turn off cell phones/ringtones or set the phone in a silent mode (put vibration only) and don't pick up the phone in the library.
  • Before using the tools or any equipment in the library, the users firstly need to ask for a permission from the library staff and be responsible for their use. In the event of any damage or loss, the user shall reimburse those damages set by the library.
  • The use of all materials such as computers, laptops, and players must not bother the other readers.
  • Do not take out any library resources without the permission.
  • The library staff has the rights to warn or expel any person who disobeys the library regulation.
  • The library staff has the rights to inspect any suspected person of stealing books/documents or any library materials.
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